10th iGE3 PhD Awards - Final selection

It is our pleasure to congratulate the winners of the iGE3 PhD salary awards 2022 !
At the end of this 10th round of selection, 3 PhD awards could be given to graduate students working in the laboratories of iGE3 faculty members for the excellence of their application.
The winners are:
- Alexander Couzens - Marguerite Neerman-Arbez Group, Faculty of Medicine
- Aleksander Czauderna - Simone Becattini Group, Faculty of Medicine
- Luis Flores Horgue - Ivan Rodriguez Group, Faculty of Science
The awardees presented their project during the 11th iGE3 Annual Meeting that was held on Monday, November 7, 2022 at the Louis-Jeantet Foundation in Geneva.
31 Oct 2022