Winners of the PhD Salary Awards 2022
Validity of contracts: December 2022 to December 2024

Marguerite Neerman-Arbez Group - Department of Genetic Medicine and Development, Faculty of Medicine
United Kingdom
Academic degrees
- Master in Genomic Medicine, University of Cambridge, Homerton College, United Kingdom, 2021
- First Class Bachelor Honours degree in Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 2011
Title of PhD project
Exome sequencing and beyond to identify causative variants and genetic modifiers of blood clot dysfunction
" I would like to thank the iGE3 for their continued support of young researchers through the PhD salary awards. I am extremely grateful and honoured to be selected amongst this year's winners. It is particularly exciting that the committee can see the potential in this translational research project. I would also like to thank my Ph.D. supervisor, Professor Marguerite Neerman-Arbez, the lab and our close collaborators Dr Alessandro Casini, Dr Michel Guipponi and Dr Frédéric Masclaux for all the guidance and encouragement. I now look forward to further developing my project with the support of the iGE3. "
Alexander Couzens
Simone Becattini Group - Department of Pathology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine
Academic degrees
- Master in Biotechnology with Industrial Placement, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 2020
- Master in Bio-business, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 2020
- SEMP exchange, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2018
Title of PhD project
Mutational and transcriptional adaptations of gut microbiota to host immunity and their implications for disease
" I am deeply honored to have been selected as the recipient of the 10th iGE3 Salary Award 2022. I believe this recognition is a significant milestone in my PhD journey, one that strongly boosts my confidence in both my project and my competencies and reaffirms me in my choice of academic career. Furthermore, winning this award will undoubtedly advance my laboratory's efforts of elucidating host-microbe interactions, which are in the spotlight of our investigations.
I want to express my gratitude to the selection committee for recognizing the potential of my PhD project, my supervisor Prof. Simone Becattini for continued support, guidance and exemplary leadership, and my lab members for always being there for me.
I now look forward to submitting another batch of samples for sequencing by the iGE3 platform ! "
Aleksander Czauderna

Ivan Rodriguez Group - Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Science
Academic degrees
- Master in Biomedicine, University of Seville, Spain, 2019
- Bachelor in Biology, University of Seville, Spain, 2018
- Erasmus programme, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2016
Title of PhD project
Transcriptional adaptation of sensory neurons to GPCR identity and activity
" I am extremely grateful to have received this 2022 iGE3 PhD salary award. I am honored that the iGE3 committee members support my research project allowing me to investigate the role of the GPCR in the establishment of the neuronal identity in olfactory sensory neurons. I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Ivan Rodriguez and all the lab members for their constant support and guidance in the development of this project. "
Luis Flores Horgue