[Meeting] Annual Conference


13th iGE3 annual meeting
Tuesday October 1st, 2024 - Louis-Jeantet Foundation
  09h00-09h25 Welcome coffee and registration (bar auditorium)
09h25-09h30 Opening by Sophie Martin and Simon Braun
Session 1 09h30-11h00 09h30-10h00 Orsolya Barabas, UNIGE Sciences
  Le Cirque du Génome: how DNA acrobatics drive gene transfer and how we can use it
10h00-11h00 Tomohisa Toda, Erlangen-Nuremberg University
  Exploring the role of long-lived cellular constituents in neural plasticity and brain aging
  11h00-11h30 Coffee break (bar auditorium)
Session 2 11h30-12h30 11h30-12h00 Marguerite Neerman-Arbez, UNIGE Medicine
  Why Fibrin(ogen)? A fascinating genomic landscape encoding a key protein for cardiovascular health
12h00-12h30 Joanito Liberti, UNIGE Sciences
  The influence of the honeybee gut microbiota on host cognitive abilities, social behavior and behavioral maturation
  12h30-13h40 Lunch (Villa Jeantet)
Session 3 13h40-15h00 13h40-13h45 PhD Salary awards presentation, introduction by Dominique Soldati-Favre
13h45-14h00 Mark Dowling, UNIGE Sciences
  Understanding the mechanistic involvement of ORF1p in LINE-1 retrotransposition
14h00-14h15 Sandra Geslain, UNIGE Medicine
  The RNA degradosome of P. aeruginosa: between ordinary and novelty
14h15-14h30 Zeynep Gül, UNIGE Medicine
  Characterization of adjuvants for optimal time-of-day effects of vaccines
14h30-14h45 Albert Tell i Puig, UNIGE Medicine
  Deciphering the iterative discharge of rhoptry effectors as inducer of immune respone by Toxoplasma gondii.
14h45-15h00 Xin Hu, UNIGE Sciences
  Molecular mechanisms of biogenesis and epigenetic silencing by mouse piRNAs
  15h00-15h30 Coffee break (bar auditorium)
Session 4 15h30-17h00 15h30-16h00 Kimberly Kline, UNIGE Medicine
  Impact of fluid flow and quorum sensing on biofilm formation and antibiotic tolerance in enterococcal infective endocarditis
16h00-17h00 Gautam Dey, EMBL
  Evolution at the centromere-kinetochore interface: where the genome meets the mitotic machinery
  17h00-18h30 Apéro dînatoire (Villa Jeantet)

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